The Confederate government took cotton for taxes in lieu of money, but three bales wouldn't even cover the taxes. 联盟政府收税是拿棉花当税金的,可这三包棉花连交税也不够呢。
"Didn't Captain Butler take thousands of bales of cotton to England and Nassau to sell for the Confederate government?" “巴特勒船长不是给联盟政府运过好几千包棉花到英国和纳索去卖了吗?”
This article analyzes the process of establishing judicial independence and seeks its profound historical origins in the colonial period, the revolutionary and confederate period, and the period in which the Constitution was drawn and the federal government was just founded. 本文从殖民地时期、革命和邦联时期、联邦宪法制定及联邦政府成立初期三个阶段,分析了美国司法独立确立的过程及其深刻的社会历史根源。
Although the Southern confederate government made great efforts, it had not organized a force strong enough to protect its territory from invasion. And its war effort disturbed its society. 然而,南部邦联政府不仅没有建立起足以保卫南部地区的战争力量,反而加剧了南部社会的崩溃。